Arroz con leche se quiere casar… (Spanish kids’ songs)

We love music in our house and are constantly listening to and singing songs. We sing in all languages, but here are some of our favorite Spanish songs for kids and their lyrics. A few of these are also featured in one of my favorite childhood books Arroz con leche

Arroz con leche

Arroz con leche,
se quiere casar
con una viudita de la capital;
que sepa coser,
que sepa bordar,
que ponga la aguija en su campanal . . . .

Tilín, tilán,
sopita de pan,
allá viene Juan,
comiéndose el pan,
si no se lo dan,
se echa a llorar.

-Yo soy la viudita,
la hija del Rey,
me quiero casar y no encuentro con quién.

-Pues siendo tan bella,
no encuentras con quién,
escoge a tu gusto que aquí tienes quién.

(Señalando con el dedo)
-Contigo, sí, contigo, no
contigo mi vida, me casaré yo.

Continue reading “Arroz con leche se quiere casar… (Spanish kids’ songs)”

There is too much butter…

Mr. OneDosTres introduced me to Fawlty Towers  (affiliate) many years ago when we first met. It’s a decidedly British show that is very much a product of its time (and which I only understand with subtitles on). I thought I’d share one of my favorite moments from the show as it seems particularly relevant to what we’re doing here. Language misunderstandings like these are both fascinating and somewhat hilarious to me, as you will come to see.

How to Change the Default Language on Netflix, Hulu & Amazon Video

I’m embarrassed to admit how long it took me to figure out how to set default languages or search for Spanish content on the various streaming services we use. So I thought I would share what I’ve found and save you the trouble of figuring it out. Keep reading to see how you can change default languages and search for Spanish language content on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Video.

Continue reading “How to Change the Default Language on Netflix, Hulu & Amazon Video”

10 Animal Books in Spanish for Preschoolers

Anyone who knows me knows (and for those of you who don’t, you’ll soon learn) that I love books. (I say love, my husband says obsessed…does it really matter how we label it?). They’re good for every occasion, are the perfect way to start and end a day, perfect for the car, on the road, at home. . .Throughout every nook and corner of our house, from the basement to the living room and up through each and every bedroom, we have books.  It’s no surprise that a lot of those books are in Spanish and Slovak, which we’ve selfishly accumulated over the years to avoid having to translate books from English to Spanish and Slovak.  The story just flows better when we’re not struggling to translate in realtime and it’s a lot easier to include stories that rhyme when the book does it for you.

In any case, today I present to you:  my top 10 (though I could go on and on) recommendations for books in Spanish featuring animals or about animals for preschoolers! (These are all affiliate links):

La primera luna llena de gatita   Our family loves this book. As a newborn, my now-toddler could stare at the black and white images for amazing, catch-my-breath minutes at a time.  And our preschooler loves being in on the joke that Gatita thinks she is chasing an enormous bowl of milk that is actually the first full moon she’s ever seen. The story is sweet and the simple drawings are wonderful. It’s one of my go-to gifts for any Spanish speaking young kid.

Continue reading “10 Animal Books in Spanish for Preschoolers”